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The speed at which businesses can deploy applications is a prime determinant of their agility. One way to boost business efficiency is to improve inter-team collaboration and time to deployment—a key performance indicator (KPI) beneficial for your business to implement.

Let’s delve into the great impact of time to deployment on business agility, exploring strategies, benefits, and the pivotal role of application performance management (APM) in accelerating app development.

Time to deployment overview

Time to deployment (TTD) measures how long it takes to deploy software to a production environment. The DevOps metric allows us to discover deployment lead time or implementation time. Measuring TTD is important because it can alert you of a potential problem. For instance, if the deployment time is longer than anticipated, there could be something wrong with the software. Or, it could be a signal that the processes and tools need to be updated.

Deployment time is also linked to the change-failure rate, a metric that monitors the frequency of deployment failures that require immediate intervention in the production environment. On the other hand, you have deployment frequency, which measures how often you make changes and how often those new releases are pushed to production. Together, these metrics shape the rhythm of a development lifecycle, influencing the overall agility of an organization.

The impact of deployment frequency on business agility

Analyzing your time to deployment and deployment frequency will improve your business in the following ways:

Faster time-to-market

Frequent deployments allow products to market more swiftly. The more frequent the deployments, the quicker new features and updates reach end users. The ability to respond rapidly to market demands becomes a competitive advantage, enabling organizations to stay ahead in dynamic industries.

Enhanced customer feedback loop

Frequent deployments create a dynamic and responsive feedback loop with customers. As new features are continuously rolled out, organizations can gather real-time feedback on their functionality and relevance. This iterative process enables businesses to refine and tailor their offerings based on direct insights from the user community, fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Adaptability and innovation

Agile organizations leverage frequent deployments to adapt swiftly to market changes and evolving customer demands. This agility in adapting to the dynamic business landscape fosters innovation, allowing businesses to experiment, iterate, and introduce novel solutions with reduced lead times.

Tools and strategies to increase deployment frequency

There are several ways to increase deployment frequency, including: 

  1. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines: CI/CD pipelines automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications, enabling rapid and reliable releases. This strategy ensures that code changes move seamlessly from development to production, reducing manual interventions and enhancing deployment frequency.
  2. Automation in testing and quality assurance: Automated testing processes contribute significantly to deployment speed. By automating repetitive testing tasks, organizations can maintain a high level of confidence in the quality of their releases while avoiding bottlenecks in the deployment pipeline.
  3. Test-driven development: DevOps teams can catch and fix bugs earlier in the development process by writing automated tests before they write code.
  4. Constant monitoring and measuring: Using an APM tool, such as New Relic, plays a pivotal role in accelerating time to deployment. Business application monitoring provides real-time insights into application performance, identify bottlenecks, and ensure the stability of releases.

The frequency at which applications deploy is intricately linked to an organization's agility. The ability to release frequently enhances competitiveness and positions businesses to adapt swiftly to market dynamics.


New Relic APM capabilities empower organizations to monitor and optimize their applications throughout the development lifecycle. With features like code-level visibility, performance analytics, and error tracking, New Relic aids in identifying issues early, reducing deployment risks, and ultimately expediting the deployment process.