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Depending on the language(s) you’re used to developing in, you may have certain ideas about what an error is, as well as what constitutes an exception and how it should be handled. For example, Go does not have exceptions, partly to discourage programmers from labeling too many ordinary errors as exceptional. On the other hand, languages such as Java and Python provide built-in support for throwing and catching exceptions.

When you begin at a place where different languages disagree about what an error or exception is and how to handle them, what do you use when you need standardized telemetry and error reporting across microservices written in those languages? OpenTelemetry is the tool with which we'll address the following, and more:

  • How an error is visualized in a backend may not be where you think it’ll be, or how you expect it to look. 
  • How span kind affects error reporting. 
  • Errors reported by spans vs. logs.

What is OpenTelemetry?

OpenTelemetry (OTel for short), is a project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It’s an open source, vendor-neutral observability framework for instrumenting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data.

Errors vs. exceptions

Before we get into how OTel deals with errors and exceptions, let’s establish what they are, and how they’re different from each other. While there are variations on the definitions of these terms, we’ve landed on the ones below, which we’ll be using in this blog post:

An error is an unexpected issue in a program that hinders its execution. Examples include syntax errors, such as a missing semicolon or incorrect indentation, and runtime errors, resulting from errors in logic.

An exception is a type of runtime error that disrupts the normal flow of a program. Examples include dividing by zero or accessing an invalid memory address. 

Some languages, such as Python and JavaScript, treat errors and exceptions as synonyms; others, such as PHP and Java, do not. Understanding the distinction between errors and exceptions is crucial for effective error handling, because it empowers you to adopt more nuanced strategies for handling and recovering from failures in your applications.

Error handling in OTel

So how does OTel deal with all these conceptual differences across languages? This is where the specification (or “spec” for short) comes in. The spec provides a blueprint for developers working on various parts of the project and standardizes implementation across all languages. 

Since language APIs and SDKs are implementations of the spec, there are general rules against implementing anything that isn’t covered in the spec. This provides a guiding principle to help organize contributions to the project. In practice, there are a few exceptions; for example, a language might prototype a new feature as part of adding it to the spec, but the feature may be published (usually as alpha or experimental) before the corresponding language is added. 

Another exception is when a language might decide to diverge from the spec. Although it’s generally not advised, sometimes there are strong language-specific reasons to do something different. In this way, the spec allows for some flexibility for each language to implement features as idiomatically as possible. For example, most languages have implemented RecordException, while Go has implemented RecordError, which does the same thing.

You can view this compliance matrix of the spec across all languages, but you’ll get the most updated info by checking the individual language repo. Now we have a place from which to begin figuring out how to handle errors in OTel, starting with how to report them in:

  • Spans
  • Logs

Errors in spans

In OTel, spans are the building blocks of distributed traces, representing individual units of work within a distributed system. Spans are related to each other and to a trace through context. Put simply, context is the glue that turns a pack of data into a unified trace. Context propagation allows us to pass information across multiple systems, therefore tying them together. Traces can tell us all sorts of things about our applications through metadata and span events.

Enhancing spans with metadata

OTel enables you to enhance spans with metadata (attributes) in the form of key-value pairs. By attaching relevant information to spans, such as user IDs, request parameters, or environment variables, you can gain deeper insights into the circumstances surrounding an error and quickly identify its root cause. This metadata-rich approach to error handling can significantly reduce the time and effort required to diagnose and resolve issues, ultimately improving the reliability and maintainability of your applications.

Spans also have a span kind field, which gives us some additional metadata that can help developers troubleshoot errors. OTel defines several span kinds, each of which has unique implications for error reporting: 

  • client: For outgoing synchronous remote calls; for example, outgoing HTTP request or DB call.
  • server: For incoming synchronous remote calls; for example, incoming HTTP request or remote procedure call.
  • internal: For operations that do not cross process boundaries; for example, instrumenting a function call.
  • producer: For the creation of a job which may be asynchronously processed later; for example, job inserted into a job queue.
  • consumer: For the processing of a job created by a producer, which may start long after the producer span has ended. 

Span kind is determined automatically by the instrumentation libraries used. 

Spans can be further enhanced with span status. By default, span status is marked as Unset unless otherwise specified. You can mark a span status as Error if the resulting span depicts an error, and Ok if the resulting span is error-free.

Enhancing spans with span events

A span event is a structured log message embedded within a span. Span events help enhance spans by providing descriptive information about a span. Span events can also have attributes of their own. New Relic synthesizes span events as its own data type called a SpanEvent.

When a span status is set to Error, a span event is created automatically, capturing the span’s resulting error message and stack trace as an event on that span. You can further enhance this span error by adding attributes to it.

Earlier, we mentioned a method called RecordException. Per the spec (emphasis our own), “To facilitate recording an exception languages SHOULD provide a RecordException method if the language uses exceptions. … The signature of the method is to be determined by each language and can be overloaded as appropriate.” 

Since Go doesn’t support the “conventional” concept of exceptions, it instead supports RecordError, which essentially does the same thing idiomatically. However, you have to make an additional call to set its status to Error if that’s what it should be, as it won’t automatically be set to that. Similarly, RecordException can be used to record span events without setting the span’s status to Error, which means you can use it to record any additional data about a span. 

By decoupling the span status from being automatically set to Error when a span exception occurs, you can support the use case where you can have an exception event with a status of Ok or Unset. This gives instrumentation authors the most flexibility. 

Errors depicted in logs

In OTel, a log is a structured, timestamped message emitted by a service or other component. The recent addition of logs to OTel gives us yet another way of reporting errors. Logs have traditionally had different severity levels for representing the type of message being emitted, such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL.

OTel allows for the correlation of logs to traces in which a log message can be associated to a span within a trace, via trace context correlation. Hence, looking for a log message with a log level of ERROR or CRITICAL can yield further information of what led to that error by pulling up the correlated trace.

To record an error on a log, either exception.type or exception.message is required, while exception.stacktrace is recommended. You can view more information about the semantic conventions for log exceptions here.

Logs or spans to capture errors?

After all this, you might be wondering which signal to use for capturing errors: spans or logs? The answer is: “It depends!” Perhaps your team primarily uses traces; perhaps it primarily use logs.

Spans can be great for capturing errors, because if the operation errors out, marking a span as an error makes it stand out and therefore easier to spot. On the other hand, if you’re not filtering or tail sampling your traces and your system is producing thousands of spans per minute, you could miss errors that aren’t occurring frequently but that still need to be handled. 

What about using span events versus logs? Again, this depends. It may be convenient to use span events, because when a span status is set to Error, a span event with the exception message (and other metadata you may want to capture) is automatically created. 

Fortunately, New Relic renders both logs and traces, offers a query language to help make your data more discoverable, and supports log and trace correlation.

Visualizing errors in New Relic

While OTel provides us with the raw telemetry data emitted by our systems, it doesn’t provide data visualization or interpretation. This is done by an observability backend. Because OTel is vendor-neutral, it means that the same information emitted can be visualized and interpreted by different backends without re-instrumenting your application. 

If you’ve been using one of our agents to monitor your applications and have recently migrated to OTel, you might notice that an OTel error may not be expressed the way you expect, as compared to the same error captured by our APM agent. This is because OTel simply models errors differently than how vendors have been modeling them. 

As one example, OTel’s notion of span kinds may affect how your OTel error is visualized. For instance, if you have a trace that has one exception and it’s on an internal span with its status set to Error, you’ll see the trace marked with an error, but it may not be counted toward your app error rate. This is because New Relic has an opinion that only errors on entry point spans (server spans) and consumer spans should be counted toward your error rate. You can read more about that here.

In New Relic, you can click into the trace group, called send_requests, and see which traces contain spans with errors:

Selecting one of the error traces allows you to see a trace waterfall of all the spans involved. We can see that our do_roll span contains an exception as a span event. You can also click Attributes to see the associated metadata, including any custom attributes you’ve added:

You can click into the span events to view further details about the exception, as well as any custom attributes you’ve added to your span event. In this case, you can see our example dummy attributes. Because we’re manually recording a span event, you’ll also see a second span event captured in addition to the exception:

You can access any correlated logs directly from the trace, by clicking Logs from the selected trace. Here, you’ll see three logs, and at which point in the trace they were generated. The chart shows how many were error logs:


Error handling is a challenging yet essential aspect of software development, and OTel offers a comprehensive solution for navigating its complexities. By leveraging OTel's capabilities along with the New Relic platform features, you can gain deeper insights into your applications' behavior and more effectively troubleshoot issues. You'll be better equipped to build and maintain resilient, reliable, and high-performing software applications in today's dynamic and demanding environments.