New Relic Now Dream of innovating more? Start living the dream in October.

In April, we introduced the New Relic Partner Network (NRPN)— a refreshed partner program designed for ease of engagement with a solutions-based platform approach and flexible business models.

NRPN includes four partner categories: Technology Partners, Solution Providers, Consulting Partners, and Managed Service Providers. The NRPN has two program levels: Select and Premier, with bi-annual evaluation facilitating level movement more frequently based on business performance metrics. Over the next few weeks in this blog series, we will dive into each of the partner types.  Along with the announcement that emphasized New Relic’s commitment to partner success (we can do more together than alone), we are excited to introduce our Technology Partners.

With over 200 integrations to date and a solid ecosystem of partners—including Atlassian, PagerDuty, MongoDB, and Hashicorp to name a few—we are thrilled to launch a formal program dedicated to delivering best in breed solutions, a more comprehensive “better together” offering, and new go-to-market opportunities for partners.

With our Developer Toolkit and New Relic One, it is faster and easier for partners to integrate their solutions with our platform. By leveraging their code with our build tools, partners have the ability to extend the capabilities of the New Relic platform and increase the value to our joint customers.

New Relic Technology Partner ecosystem and benefits

NRPN is designed to offer Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) unique opportunities to integrate with, and develop, applications on the New Relic One platform. Together, we generate more value and accelerate innovation for our customers. We invite technology partners to join the network to extend joint capabilities to solve complex problems for DevOps, digital customer experience, cloud migration and optimization, cybersecurity, and more 

No one company solves all aspects of technology challenges. The NRPN enables New Relic and its participating technology partners to work together to solve more use cases for our clients. Through integrations and applications, New Relic, together with our partners, deliver a broader range of solutions that improve visibility, data aggregation, expanded context, and more,  all to drive improved performance, both of our mutual customers’ applications and their precious IT resources. Our shared goal is to jointly deliver customer success through increased visibility into the data that matters most and improve context into complex modern systems. It’s a win-win-win for our technology partners, New Relic, and end customers.

Virtual is defining much of the global experience today and accelerating the move to modern software, digitization, and cloud dominance. The New Relic Developer Edition makes it easy for partners to utilize the programmability capabilities of New Relic One to build integrations or extension applications. You can choose to share your applications or keep them private. Visit to learn about the Developer Edition, how to participate, and see the catalog of apps and extensions.  It’s an important part of the New Relic ecosystem. As we like to say, if you can imagine it, you can build it.

Partnering for success

“We firmly believe that there's a better together story that can be told. And the number one objective is to first and foremost, make our mutual customers happier.”

-Rob Lee, Senior Director Business Development, PagerDuty

Digital transformation, modern applications, and cloud environments all require observability. As developer teams continue to evolve, it's not just about monitoring the system to make sure it's working: observability lets you ask why it isn't working.

New Relic believes there are four things customers need to achieve observability:

1) The ability to instrument everything

2) Context to get to the root cause of issues faster

3) The ability to curate and customize dashboards to make sense of the data

4) The intelligence to take action

When we set out to develop our technology partner program, the goal wasn't to sign up as many partners as possible. Instead, we wanted to initially work with partners whose solutions fill product gaps by bringing data from their solutions together with New Relic's monitoring data—including metrics, events, logs, and traces—to drive toward observability across a customer's entire estate.

For example, in the security space, many of our customers ask how they can tie visibility into their security issues side by side with application and infrastructure monitoring data. Filling this need opens a new category for New Relic by addressing a specific use case. Other common themes customers are facing today include evolving and modernizing their DevOps lifecycle journey so that engineering teams can quickly and effectively respond and react, enhancing the customer experience by instilling a more proactive approach to optimizing performance, relating customer experience to business value, and reducing the time to fix issues by correlating more user data in new ways.

Our Technology Partners deliver these extensions to New Relic’s value. We’re happy to introduce some of our Select Technology Partners and the integrations developed in these categories: Customer Experience, Security, DevOps, and more on Cloud Migration soon.

What will be the next customer challenge we can solve together?

Customer experience

Cequence Security

Application security platform

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting your web applications and API endpoints to commit fraud and negatively affect your business. These include automated bot attacks focused on business logic abuse (such as credential stuffing, site scraping, fake account creation, and more), and targeted attacks designed to exploit known and unknown application vulnerabilities. Cequence Security stops these attacks with an AI-powered, container-based software platform that can be easily deployed on premises or in the cloud, wherever your apps need to be protected.

Integration Benefits: By integrating alert data and insights from Cequence into New Relic One, customers can correlate the malicious traffic to the computing resources consumed to understand the real impact of an incident and prioritize remediation based upon this information.


Digital experience analytics

FullStory’s digital experience platform provides thousands of companies globally with actionable, revenue-increasing insights about their digital customer experience. FullStory securely stores and organizes digital experience information, making it easy to understand and act on. Product and software development teams use FullStory to operationalize the digital customer experience, breaking down information silos, and turning customer pain points into immediate opportunities to improve their most critical metrics and KPIs.

Integration Benefits: FullStory and New Relic allow you to reduce time-to-fix dramatically. Access FullStory's high-fidelity session replay in New Relic to see exactly what happened before, during, and after a user encountered an issue. With both platforms together, you get a 360-degree view of the issue and can easily illuminate the broader impact it has on your customer experience, conversion rates, and revenue.



End to end cloud security

The Lacework Cloud Security Platform is cloud-native and offered as-a-service, delivering continuous build to run-time threat detection, behavioral anomaly detection, and compliance across multi-cloud environments, workloads, accounts, containers, and Kubernetes. This single platform solution helps businesses (DevOps and IT security teams) develop at lightning speed while staying safe during both build-time and run-time in their efforts to shift left. Customers can significantly reduce costs and risks by freeing themselves from the burden of unnecessary hardware or software maintenance, manual rule configuration, and excessive alerting.

Integration Benefits: While Lacework is exceptional at advanced cloud security, most organizations have a layered security approach and leverage several technologies for security, all feeding New Relic. This integration configures a Lacework alert channel to forward alerts to New Relic using the Insights API for alert visibility and triage.


Micro Focus

The LoadRunner Family of Performance Engineering Solutions allows users to deploy high-performing applications that surpass customer expectations using an integrated set of enterprise-grade performance engineering solutions—spanning developers to performance engineers—incorporating intelligent analytics and supporting extensive integrations with DevOps and application performance monitoring (APM) tools. Engineer software quality early and into the end-user experience.

Integration Benefits: With this integration between LoadRunner Enterprise, LoadRunner Cloud, and New Relic, we provide our performance engineering customers the possibility to obtain monitoring data as part of their performance tests. Customers can combine dashboards and reports on their tool of choice. The integration between the performance engineering products and New Relic eliminates the need to correlate data across two different tools. Customers can archive historical data forever with full granularity, and the data is easily shareable within the online repository or as a downloadable file that doesn’t require a user account or login to a tool. This is a great complement for New Relic customers who need to keep performance historical data. Customers can also identify trends, automate comparisons, and SLA validations on multiple data sets very easily within the performance products, without the need to build or have custom New Relic dashboards.

Continuous delivery and centralized feature flag management

Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to release features confidently and as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Split ingests performance data and runs real-time statistical analyses on every new feature so that engineering teams can respond immediately to bad releases, measure changes in user experience, and build high-quality software.

Integration Benefits: The New Relic integration annotates New Relic transactions with Split feature flags information that can be used to correlate application metrics with feature flag changes.  Find and fix problems faster, build high-performing teams, and accelerate your digital transformation with Split impressions in New Relic. With Split impressions added to the transaction level data in New Relic, customers can easily query their New Relic data to understand changes in performance for users with different treatments.


Edge cloud platform for content delivery

Fastly’s edge cloud platform enables users to create great digital experiences quickly, securely, and reliably by processing, serving, and securing our customers’ applications as close to end-users as possible. Fastly's edge cloud platform takes advantage of the modern internet, and is designed both for programmability and to support agile software development.

Integration Benefits: New Relic combines key performance metrics and additional per request details from Fastly such as status code, request location, and more to give customers end-to-end visibility of their data.


Software Reliability platform

Blameless was founded with the mission to advance teams to a culture of resiliency. Blameless empowers teams to achieve production excellence by operationalizing site reliability engineering (SRE) best practices to optimize the reliability of their systems without sacrificing innovation velocity. Leveraging the Blameless SRE platform, customers can proactively manage service levels using SLOs, streamline and automate incident management and postmortem creation, and gain insights into factors affecting reliability.

Integration Benefits: Leveraging real-time observability data from New Relic, Blameless will allow customers to create and track SLOs on critical user journeys, and preemptively take actions when the SLOs exceed allocated error budgets. Integrating with systems like PagerDuty, Slack, and ServiceNow, Blameless will allow users to trigger alerts, spin up incidents, and create tickets when error budget policies are violated. Together, these solutions create a proactive approach toward managing the reliability of systems and services.

Continuous delivery as a service

Every developer on the planet can benefit from releasing their code quickly and securely. But until now, they’ve had to rely upon custom scripts and manual processes. That’s why Harness exists. Harness is the industry’s first Continuous Delivery-as-a-Service platform, and as a result of solving a problem that many believed to be unsolvable.

Integration Benefits: Harness Continuous Verification integrates with New Relic to verify your deployments and live production applications using 24/7 Service Guard and Deployment Verification.


Software Collaboration Platform

GitHub is the developer company. As the home to more than 50 million developers from across the globe, GitHub is where developers can create, share, and ship the best code possible. GitHub makes it easier to work together, solve challenging problems, and create the world’s most important technologies.

The New Relic One GitHub Integration connects services and applications in New Relic One to an associated GitHub repository. The GitHub Integration application will display quick access to the repository, a list of the most active source code contributors, and the README. This integration is built, owned, and supported by New Relic.

Join the New Relic Partner Network (NRPN) as a Technology Partner

For technology companies interested in joining the NRPN as a Technology Partner, there is a simple, multistep process:

When prompted, complete and submit a Use Case Template for a proposed joint solution. If approved by New Relic, you will receive an invite to join the program at the Select Partner level. To learn more about infrastructure with New Relic, read about our Infrastructure best practices.

Dive deep into how we've worked together with customers, such as ZenHub, to help with infrastructure monitoring and more.