今すぐNew Relicを開始 さらなる革新をお望みですか?10月から夢の実現を始めましょう。

Discover the transformative reality of cloud native technologies

Get your free copy of the 451 Research report now

Microservices. Kubernetes. Service mesh. Serverless. These “cloud native” technologies are becoming an essential part of digital transformation efforts for modern enterprise IT. It’s clear this trend is following in the steps of Agile and DevOps—and could penetrate 50% of organizations within the next few years. 

Download a free copy of this 451 Research report and discover the transformative reality of cloud native technologies. You can find out:

  • What “cloud native” means and definitions of the key technologies, including containers, Kubernetes, service mesh, and serverless.
  • Why cloud native inherently leads to greater software complexity—and why monitoring tools and DevOps practices are critical in these environments.
  • Why organizational models and approaches to cloud native vary greatly and there’s no “one size fits all” recipe for success.
  • How adjacent trends such as SecDevOps, data analytics, machine learning, AI, and IoT (among others) may eventually be incorporated into cloud native.

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New Relicについて

アプリケーションパフォーマンス監視(APM)が発案されて以来、New Relicは最先端のプラットフォームとしてオブザーバビリティの最前線に立っており、デジタル体験の中断を解消します。adidas Runtastic、米国赤十字社、Domino’s、GoTo Group、Ryanair、Topgolf、William Hillといった世界中の企業がNew Relicを利用して、より優れたデジタル体験を創造し、収益を最適化し、イノベーションをリードしています。 www.newrelic.com.


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